Local Training

Cadet Max, Employment Support Bay of Plenty
Cadet Max Bay of PlentyHow does CadetMax work: Young people are interviewed and selected to attend CadetMax. They attend a rigorous work readiness Induction programme to develop confidence, understand workplace norms and behaviours, career advice and a job search...

Tū Māia Rangatahi Hub in Kopeopeo
Tū Māia Rangatahi HubThe hub is available to youth/rangatahi who want support getting into or staying in school, tertiary education/training or finding a job. We design individual plans, pulling together the required services below, in a confidential environment. It...
Step Into your Future.
Gain tertiary training and qualifications as part of high school without having to pay tertiary fees. Get hands-on, trades training linked to our region’s, 21st century, workforce needs.
our Tertiary Partners