Local Training

Kawerau Pathways to Work
Kawerau Pathways to WorkKawerau Pathways to Work Kawerau Pathways to Work (KPtW) is an employer driven initiative designed to establish a local ‘employer-employee connect’ system to improve the likely outcomes and sustainability of employment in our workplaces. KPtW’s...
Ignite Opotiki Youth Service
Ignite Opotiki Youth ServiceIGNITE Opotiki hopes to spur on our rangatahi to achieve their self-identified goals and aspirations, IGNITE their inner passions and help them discover and develop a pathway to future employment, education, or training. Calling all...

Tuwharetoa Rangatahi Programmes
Rangatahi ProgrammesTuWharetoa Rangatahi Programmes A Kawerau based, health, education and social service provider who embeds tikanaga in their processes to improve the wellbeing of their community. For more information, W: https://www.tuwharetoa.org.nz/rangatahi/ T:...

Y2 – Youth to Employment
Y2 Employment & EducationLEARN + STUDY + SUPPORT Are you living between Nukuhou North to Whangaparaoa, we welcome youth of all nationalities and cultures.This program is delivered under Te Pou Oranga O Whakatōhea who is a subsidiary of the Whakatōhea Māori Trust...
Step Into your Future.
Gain tertiary training and qualifications as part of high school without having to pay tertiary fees. Get hands-on, trades training linked to our region’s, 21st century, workforce needs.
our Tertiary Partners