Local Training

East Bay Reap Youth Service
Youth ServiceSupporting young people to engage in education, training and work-based learning to be a successful contributing member of the community. For young people aged 16-19 years: Youth Payment Young Parent Payment NEET Clients (not engaged in education or...

My Mahi – become work-ready
My Mahi MyMahi is a FREE, easy to use, digital platform that helps young people to become work-ready. On the platform young people can explore their world of work, including: Discovering their talents & passion Learn the soft-skills that employers value Learn...

Just the Job
Just The JobIf you are a career seeker or serious job hunter then Just the Job is the one-stop shop for you! There are over 300 career videos arranged under their vocational career pathway headings. Watch the videos on our website HERE and if you like what you see,...

TradeUp Employment & Apprenticeship Support
TradeUP Employment & Apprenticeship SupportYOUR EMPLOYMENT PLACEMENT SPECIALIST TradeUp is an employment placement provider that specialises in placing and supporting youth into full-time, sustainable employment within the trades where career pathways and...
Step Into your Future.
Gain tertiary training and qualifications as part of high school without having to pay tertiary fees. Get hands-on, trades training linked to our region’s, 21st century, workforce needs.
our Tertiary Partners